

Blast is an add-on feature that lets you send messages to multiple patients and/or contacts all at once.  


Features & Benefits

Fully customizable. You can choose who receives the messages as well as the content of the message.

You can send messages by different methods: Email, Patient Portal, Phone, or Text.

Saves time and money over individual calling, phoning, or texting.

Super easy to set up and use!


Example Uses

To notify patients of an office closure (e.g. bad weather)

To remind patients to come in for an annual flu shot

To wish patients a Happy Birthday

To let professional colleagues know you're opening a new office

To remind patients that didn't show up for their appointment last week to reschedule

To thank patients, who had an appointment last week, for their business


Blast Configuration

Setup Checklist

Manage Lists

Manage Templates


Using Blast

Sending Blast Messages

Blast Reporting