Direct Address Directory User Agreement
Location: Address Book
The first time a user searches the provider directory in the Address Book the following user agreement is presented for review and acceptance. Once accepted, the user can see the agreement again in their Profile.
•By using the provider directory you acknowledge you are in compliance with this agreement.
•Use of the provider directory is permitted for Direct messaging only.
•The provider directory must not be:
oused for advertising or marketing purposes
oused to send information that will influence medical decisions for financial gain
•The provider directory is:
ocomprised of direct messaging user information from hospitals and medical practices participating in the DirectTrust network, the information includes:
▪first name
▪last name
▪direct address
▪NPI (if applicable)
▪specialty (if applicable)
▪organization name
▪zip code
oadditions and changes to user information are submitted to the provider directory on a regular basis
ophysically protected by firewalls and encryption
oprocedurally protected by HIPAA privacy and security policies
oself-regulated to be in compliance with DirectTrust provider directory policies
•You have the right to opt out of the provider directory in which case the information will not be available to other DirectTrust network users when searching for a recipient's direct address.
Direct messaging must only be used for healthcare purposes. |