Define Portal Settings
Location: Admin
You need Admin privileges to complete this function. |
To define the patient portal settings:
1.Click MENU > Admin > Patient Portal.
2.Under the General tab:
•Click Enable Practice Portal.
•Portal URL - This field is used to construct the URL that patients will use to access the portal. Enter the portion of that URL that identifies the practice.
•Examples: abcpractice, abcportal, or abc
•Try to keep it short
•Custom Logo - To show your company’s logo on the patient portal, do one of the following:
•Send your logo image to Updox to load or
•Place your logo image on a web server then enter the full pathname to that file in the Custom logo URL field. Note: This must be an https:// address.
•Name Displayed - Enter the practice name to display in the patient portal.
•Check the options to enable:
□Enable ‘Message Read’ Notifications
□Allow patient to create new messages
□Allow patients to reply to messages
□Allow patients to fill out forms
□Allow patients to view records
□Allow patients to send updated demographics/insurance information
□Allow patients to self-register their portal account
□Allow patients to send messages to multiple recipients
•Add users patient can send portal messages to - check the users you want patients to be able to contact via Secure Messaging from the patient portal. To search for someone, enter the person's name.
3.Under the About Us tab:
•Click the options to enable:
□Show basic contact info
□Show our work number - If selected, enter phone number
□Show our fax number - If selected, enter fax number
□Show our email address - If selected, enter an email address
□Show custom “About Us” information
•If selected, enter the additional information.
•Use the text editing tools to format (see below).
4.Under the Hours tab:
•To display the practice hours, click Show our hours then check the days of the week the practice is open and enter the start and end times.
5.Under the Portal Accounts tab:
•To automatically create patient portal accounts for every patient with an email address, check Automatically create Portal Accounts for Patients with an email address.
•The process that creates the accounts for your existing patients (that have a valid email address) will run during the night after the setting is saved.
•Each patient will receive an email notification about their portal account.
•To customize the email notification sent to patients about their new account:
•Check Include Additional “New Account” Text
•Enter the information.
•Use the text editing tools to format the text (see below).
•This information will appear at the bottom of the email after the standard text.
•To customize the email notification sent to patients each time they receive a message:
•Check Include Additional “New Message” Text
•Enter the information.
•Use the text editing tools to format the text (see below).
•This information will appear at the bottom of the email after the standard text.
6.Click the Preview button to see a preview of the Patient Portal based on your configuration settings.
7.Click Save.
Text Editing Tools |
Bold the selected text. |
Italicize the selected text. |
Strikethrough the selected text. |
Underline the selected text. |
Rotate the coversheet counter-clockwise. |
Rotate the coversheet clockwise. |
Insert a hyperlink. |
Remove a hyperlink. |