Update Credit Card Information

Location: Admin


You need Admin privileges and be the Account Holder to complete this function.


To update the credit card information:

1.Click MENU > Admin.

2.Click Billing.

3.Click the settings icon by Current credit card info.

4.Enter the credit card information.

Card Holder Name

Card Number

Expiration Month

Expiration Year

CVV (3 or 4 digit security code on card)


5.Click the I'm not a robot checkbox. This field is an added security measure.

6.Click Add.




To help ensure uninterrupted service, you will receive an email when your credit card expiration date is approaching. Be sure to update your card information before it expires. Here's an example of the email.


Your credit is expiring soon; the expiration date we have on file is [date].

Please update your credit card information before it expires to ensure uninterrupted service.

Your credit card information can be updated by the account holder by clicking on Billing Information in the Admin menu. Click on the blue icon next to “Current credit card info”, update the information, and save.

Please contact us if you have any questions about this, support@updoxqa.com or (614) 798-8170.



The Updox Team


The first time the credit card on file for your practice is declined the following message displays on the Login screen:

Alert: Please alert the account holder that the credit card account information requires immediate attention. Thank you.


After the third time the credit card is declined, the account will automatically lock.  You can reactivate the account by clicking the link in the notification message that displays during login and entering the revised credit card information.