Swipe & Pay
Location: Patient Payments
Swipe & Pay enables you to quickly enter a payment for office charges (e.g. co-pay, payment on account). To pay for products, services, or memberships use the Make a Payment option.
To make a quick payment:
1.Click MENU > Patient Payments.
2.Enter patient name in Search box.
3.Select patient from list.
4.Click Make a Payment/Purchase.
5.Click Swipe & Pay.
6.Enter the amount(s) to pay then Tab.The choices available are defined in the Office Charges section of the Patient Payments Settings.
7.Verify the secure card reader device is attached to your computer (e.g. via the USB slot).
8.Click Swipe Card.
9.Slide the credit card through the secure card reader device.
10.When the patient's receipt displays:
•Select the Destination (i.e. printer, save as PDF, etc.)
•Change settings as needed (e.g. number of copies, paper size, etc.)
•Click Print.
Swipe & Pay doesn't save the patient's credit card for future payments. |