Define Practice Settings
Location: Admin
You need Admin privileges to complete this function. |
Another of the main steps to configure the application is to define the practice settings to use.
To define your practice settings:
1.Click MENU > Admin > Practice Settings.
2.Select the Practice Timezone.
3.Click the checkbox for any of the following options you want to use:
□Show inactive patients/contacts when searching
□Forward incoming faxes to one of more email addresses
•This setting applies only if you’re using the Faxing functionality.
•If using this setting also enter one or more email addresses; use commas to separate multiple addresses.
□Keep forwarded faxes in Updox
•This setting applies only if you’re using the Faxing functionality.
□Automatically save incoming items to disk (Updox Central)
•This setting applies only to implementations using Updox Central to integrate with the EHR software.
•Select PDF or TIFF
□Do not add last page of metadata when generating PDFs
□Send email replies to a non-Updox email address
•If using this setting also enter the address.
□Enable displaying a custom fax from number
•This setting applies only if you’re using the Faxing functionality.
□Keep items in Sent for
•Use this setting to "automatically" move items from the Sent folder into the Archive folder after a specified period of time from the item Sent date.
•The choices are 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, or 7 years (default).
•For example, if the setting is 7 years and there is a message in the Sent folder that was sent 6 years and 11 months ago, it will automatically be moved into the Archive folder in another month.
□Keep items in Archive for
•Use this setting to "automatically" move items from the Archive folder into the Trash folder after a specified period of time from when the item was placed in the Archive folder.
•The choices are 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year or 7 years (default).
•For example, if the setting is 7 years and there is a message that was moved into the Archive folder 6 years and 11 months ago, it will automatically be moved into the Trash folder in another month.
□Keep items in Trash for
•Use this setting to "automatically" remove items from the Trash folder after a specified period of time from when the item was placed in the Trash folder.
•The choices are 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year or 7 years (default).
•Removing an item from the Trash folder means the item can no longer be seen.
•For example, if the setting is 7 years and there is a message that was moved into the Trash folder 6 years and 11 months ago, it will no longer be visible in another month.
•Using the above examples (7 years in each setting) the item will no longer be visible after 21 years from the date it was sent (assuming it wasn't manually moved between folders).
NOTE: the "Keep items..." settings do not affect items in the Inbox folder.
□Idle time until automatic logout
•Specify the number of minutes of inactivity before a user is automatically logged out of the application. The default is 60 minutes. The maximum is 1440 minutes (24 hours).
□Download messages as
• Choose the file type to use when downloading messages and attachments (PDF or TIFF). The method selected applies to all users at the practice. The menu prompt will change based on the selection (Download as PDF or Download as TIFF).
4.Click Save.