Upload Documents to the Workspace

Location: Workspace


There are several ways items can be put in the Workspace:

Drag & drop

Print to the virtual printer

Compose then attach a file from your computer

Document auto-upload folder

Fax auto-upload folder

Send a Direct message

Send a fax

Send a message from the patient portal



Drag & Drop

Drag and drop a document from your computer to the Workspace. The easiest way to do this is to:

1.Open the folder on your computer.

2.Open this application.

3.Arrange the desktop so you can see both the folder and your Workspace in the application.

4.Click, hold, and drag the file over to your to your Workspace then release the click.



If your document is in Microsoft Word format, its best to save it as a .pdf file before dragging & dropping into Updox.



Print to a Virtual Printer

By using a virtual printer defined for this application you can directly print into your Workspace. To use this option you must first set up the virtual printer.

1.Open the file on your computer.

2.Initiate the print process.

3.Select the virtual printer.

4.Click Print.




Compose a message then attach a file from your computer.



Place a File in the Document Auto-Upload Folder

This option is available only when Updox Central is installed. It is as simple as copying a file into a specific folder defined in the configuration.



Place a Fax in the Fax Auto-Upload Folder

This option is available only when Updox Central is installed. It is as simple as copying a fax into a specific folder defined in the configuration.



Send a Direct Message

Send a Direct message from another application to your Direct address.



Send a Fax

Send a Fax to the fax number associated with this application. This option is only applicable if you’re using the fax feature.



Send a Message from the Patient Portal

Send a secure message from the patient portal. This option is only applicable if you’re using a patient portal associated with this application.