Chiropad - Add a Form
Location: Admin
To add a Form you must have Admin privileges. |
To add a Form:
1.Click MENU > Admin > Forms.
2.Click New Form.
3.Enter a Title for the form.
4.To activate the form, click Active.
5.To place the form on the portal in the public area (i.e. before the person logs in), click Public. This enables you to collect information before the person becomes a patient.
6.Once a patient/person completes a portal form it is sent to the practice Inbox by default. To send a form to a specific user or queue, search and select in Submit To.
7.To design your form:
•Click Add a field.
•Select the Type of field.
•Single-Line Text
•Multi-Line Text
•Date Picker
•Section Heading
•Check Box
•Radio Button List
•Check Box List
•Enter a Label (name) for the field.
•To require an entry for the field, check Required.
•Enter a Description.
•In the Key field, enter the field destination where the information will be stored in the EHR system.
•Click the X to close the field window.
•Repeat step 7 for each field.
8.To edit a field, click the pencil icon.
9.To delete a field, click the minus sign icon.
10.To finish the form, click Save.